Primary Services

Cash Flow Projections

Cash is King. You’ve heard it before, and chances are, as a small business owner, you’ve felt it too.

But why is cash flow so critical? It reflects how well your business is performing and whether you're generating enough revenue to cover your expenses. At the risk of stating the obvious, without cash, you won't be able to pay your bills, buy inventory, or invest in your growth. A healthy cash flow ensures that you can operate your business smoothly without financial hiccups.

When you partner with Blackbird, we’ll work together to review, predict, and maximize cash flow so that you can get busy growing.

Budgeting & Financial Planning

Do you have a plan for your business this year? Not just a plan for top-line revenue, but also a plan for maintaining margin, re-investing in capex, or taking distributions for yourself. What about the next three or five years? If the answer to any of those questions is no, you’re in the right spot.

We’ll help you think critically about what the future of your business looks like. You’ll get control over those areas of the business where you don’t currently have it. You’ll understand how to be more strategic about allocating your company’s resources most effectively in a way that produces the biggest return for you.

Financial Statement Preparation & Review

How often do you review your financial statements? On a set schedule? Before you make any significant business decisions? When you feel like it? Or even worse, never?

You should be getting financial statements every month at a minimum, no exceptions. Really, you should be getting AND reviewing your financial statements every month. You need this information to make the best, most informed, and most strategic decisions for your company.

As your partner, Blackbird will make sure you have this information when you need it. And we’ll work together with you to make sure you understand the levers you need to pull in your business to meet your growth goals.

Dashboard Development & Management

The dashboard on your car displays all the key information to make sure you get to where you need to go. If you’re running out of gas, your dash will tell you it’s time to fill up. Driving in the dark? You’ll know if you have your lights on (or not!).

What do you have for your business that makes sure you’re on the right track? What are the most important metrics you track to make sure you’re on pace to meet your goals? If you don’t have anything or only review this information sporadically (at best), we need to talk.

Blackbird will work hand-in-hand with you to make sure you understand those key metrics that keep your business moving in the direction you want it to. Whether it’s information about labor, inventory, marketing, or some super secret formula you’ve developed, Blackbird will make sure you get a concise, customized, up-to-date dashboard that tracks the important things for you so that you don’t have to.

Goal Setting

Sounds silly, right? A finance guy helping you set goals. But think about it for a second. Why are you in business? Why are you working so hard to deliver a product or sell a service? It’s probably not to be away from home all the time or wake up in the middle of the night wondering if you’ll be able to cover payroll. Maybe there’s a vacation home you want, a new car, or more time to spend with your children (or grandchildren!). Whatever the case is, how is your business helping you get there? Is that goal(s) driving your business decisions? It should be.

Blackbird FS will help you bring these goals into focus and will make sure that every business decision you make gets you one step closer to the real reason(s) you’re in business.